While I was pregnant, I was diligent about going to my yoga classes. I joined a prenatal yoga class with a dear friend, who was also pregnant, at a wonderful little yoga studio called The Turning Leaf.
theturningleaf.org Along with about 7 other women, I stretched and breathed my way through my pregnancy week to week. We had an amazing instructor, Cameron Gunter. She was literally this little 5 foot tall, hard as a rock, Yogini. Not only was she a yoga instructor, she was also a Labor Doula. She knew everything there was to know about yoga and birth and labor. We would practice all the usual yoga moves and then she would always teach us modified moves to use during labor. My favorite became the moves with the birth ball. Now, a birth ball is really just an exercise ball...literally.
Cameron also was extremely knowledgeable about the body, muscles, etc. She would have us do all sorts of moves on the ball that would stimulate, stretch, or relax whatever muscle she was wanting us to work on. My favorite became kneeling on the floor and laying over the ball. Don't worry about your big belly being in the way, it's fine. Remember, there are 7 layers between the baby and the world :) (This position really takes pressure off of your lower back and lengthens your arms.) While I was leaning over, I would kinda rock back and forth. While you're in this position, the ball is supporting all of your weight so there is very little stress on your legs/ knees. It's seriously the most relaxing position to be in while you're pregnant. I would do this all the time at home, but I never realized how valuable it was to me until I was in labor.
On June 29, 2010, I woke up at 3 am in hard labor. Doug and I knew we wanted a natural/ drug free Bradley Birth.
www.bradleybirth.com To give ourselves a greater chance of success, we wanted to labor at home for the first few hours. We did just that. My labor sanctuary became my birth ball. But, I had now found a new and improved way to use it. I put it in the shower!!! Now, use common sense here. Make sure there is no soap residue in the tub and DO NOT SIT ON THE BALL...you could slip. Most of you know that while you're in 2nd stage labor, being immersed in water can slow labor progress down. So, I would get in the tub, kneel over the ball and let the shower pour down on my back, and I would stay that way for about 15 minutes. Then, sadly, I would have to get out for about 20-25 minutes. This was the only thing that would ease my pain. I followed this cycle for about 2 hours.
After I came home from the hospital (with my beautiful new baby in tow), all I wanted was to take a nice long soak in the tub. Well, unfortunately Gals, this is NOT allowed! There is an extremely high chance of infection if you do so. So, I found myself day in, day out, using my birth ball method. It was amazing. It helped to sooth my achy muscles like nothing else. Crazy as it sounds, it even was emotionally healing also. You are such an emotional wreck after labor, your hormones are crazy, and you have this baby that's crying every 20 minutes...the shower will become your sanctuary..if only for 10 minutes!