
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Creating Spaces that Work With You

How many times after a big meal have you searched and searched for a stupid lid that actually fits a stupid tupperware container? At least a billion! Search NO MORE!

For the most part, my cabinets are fairly organized and things are easily accessible. I have all my sheet pans and chopping blocks stored neatly in little racks, I have all my appliances tucked nicely together, and I even have a whole drawer dedicated to all of my baking tools. Doing good...until you get to my tupperware lids.

Between working in restaurants for forever, going to culinary school, and eating out, I have about a billion deli containers. These things accumulate like dust. They come in all different shapes and sizes, all with different lids to match. For years, I would stack them all up, and put all my lids in a zip lock bag. This method worked very well for me for a while. It worked until I got sick of digging through the bag to find the lid I needed. Half the time, the lid I was desperately searching for would be hidden between two larger lids. I would look and look for a specific lid, knowing it was there...somewhere. It would just piss me off!

Sunday, Doug and I were doing a little house cleaning and I was putting away a few of my Pyrex pieces (and the lids) and it hit me....Why not buy a magazine holder to store all of my lids??!?!!?  GENIUS! Well, at least I think so.

So, here ya go. It cost me about $4 and so far it has worked beautifully. The holder I bought has three compartments. Small, medium, and large. This way, each size lid has it's own home. No more slouchy zip lock bag to dig through, no more hidden small lids. Every thing's here, out in the open, just the way it should be. I hope this post will help you to make your cabinets work with you, not against you. And maybe it will give you ideas for other areas in  your home. Good Luck!


  1. That is such a great idea Carla, I would never have thought that!

  2. Doug and I are checking out your blog right now, and I am saying I need to go and get a mail sorter to do this at my house. WE want more posts!!!

  3. I need an idea as to what kind of tupperware to buy! I have disposable pieces from YEARS ago!! I'm afraid poison is leaching into our foods. I'm off FB, btw so this is my only way of keeping in touch with you! Working on my blog now :)
